Movies That Make Us Want to Travel the World 

Red Case Travel - couple watching movie in theatre with snacks

Movies have a way of bringing the wonders of the world to our screens. They can be inspiring, motivational, and bring joy. Here are 6 movies that will have you ready to pack your bags for your next adventure. 

1. Eat Pray Love 

Sunrise yoga in Bali

This one might be so inspiring because it's based on a true story. Julia Roberts stars as Elizabeth Gilbert, a recent divorcee. After realizing she has never taken the time to get to know herself, she takes an incredible year-long journey to Italy, India, and Bali.  

New Orleans street musicians

2. Girls Trip 

Four friends reunite on a trip to New Orleans. In this hilarious journey, these sister-friends reconnect with each other and discover their wild sides. They dance, drink, fight, and most of all, they enjoy each other like they haven't done in years. 

3. The Bucket List  

Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman spend their entire lives working. When they realize they have little time left, they go on an unbelievable adventure of travel and thrilling experiences.  These men teach us it's never too late to live our dreams and change our lives.  

4. Amelie 

If you are a travelling introvert, you must watch Amelie. This fellow introvert has a passion for secretly helping others and blessing the world with her good deeds. With Paris as a backdrop, you'll feel inspired to wander, spread joy, and be your authentic self.  

5. Under the Tuscan Sun 

Under the Tuscan Sun has all the elements of a great travel movie. There's Sandra Oh as a best friend, lots of laughs, and a journey of self-discovery that begins in lovely Tuscany.  

6. Lost in Translation 

Tokyo street at night

Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson's paths cross in Tokyo. These two lonely souls form an intimate platonic connection in an unlikely place.

If any of these movies have you dreaming of a place far away or a new heart-stopping adventure, get in touch and let’s make your movie dreams a reality. 


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